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Business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) has emerged as an important area of study for both practitioners and researchers, reflecting the magnitude and impact of data-related problems to be solved in contemporary business organizations. This introduction to the MIS Quarterly Special Issue on Business Intelligence Research first provides a framework that identifies the evolution, applications, and emerging research areas of BI&A. BI&A 1.0, BI&A 2.0, and BI&A 3.0 are defined and described in terms of their key characteristics and capabilities.

An Overview of Business Intelligence Technology

Business intelligence (BI) software is a collection of decision support technologies for the enterprise aimed at enabling knowledge workers such as executives, managers, and analysts to make better and faster decisions. The past two decades have seen explosive growth, both in the number of products and services offered and in the adoption of these technologies by industry.

Management Support with Structured and Unstructured Data—An Integrated Business Intelligence Framework

Abstract : In the course of the evolution of management support towards corporate wide Business Intelligence infrastructures, the integration of components for handling unstructured data comes into focus. In this paper, three types of approaches for tackling the respective challenges are distinguished. The approaches are mapped to a three layer BI framework and discussed regarding challenges and business potential. The application of the framework is exemplified for the domains of Competitive Intelligence and Customer Relationship Management.

Measuring the effects of business intelligence systems: The relationship between business process and organizational performance

Abstract : Business intelligence (BI) systems provide the ability to analyse business information in order to support and improve management decision making across a broad range of business activities. They leverage the large data infrastructure investments (e.g. ERP systems) made by firms, and have the potential to realise the substantial value locked up in a firm's data resources. While substantial business investment in BI systems is continuing to accelerate, there is a complete absence of a specific and rigorous method to measure the realised business value, if any.

Beyond Awareness: Using Business Intelligence to Create a Culture of Information Security

Abstract : Employees, intentionally or not, cause a large percentage of security incidents. For an organization to be secure there must be a culture of information security, meaning that employees make good security-related decisions. Business intelligence (BI) systems, with their ability to promote change through goal-setting and accountability, could help create a culture of information security, if implemented appropriately.

Business Intelligence Domain and Beyond

Abstract : Faced with the challenge of organizing massive, diverse collections of data, Enterprises look to Business Intelligence to transform this data into useful information, allowing more effective and efficient production. As a result, Business Intelligence theories and technologies are the focus of an increasing amount of substantial investment from Enterprises seeking to maintain a competitive advantage. This paper explores recent literature of the Business Intelligence domain and provides a few stimulating and innovate theories and practices.

A New Combined Model for Selecting the Best Business Intelligence Strategy in Organizational Decisions

Abstract : Nowadays the great companies use intelligent systems of business generally for company management, supervision of business activities, reporting, planning and supporting activities as well as for optimizing relationships with customers and facilitating management decision making process, because this strategy seeks for providing information analysis and access capabilities, so that abundant data can be provided consistently from different sources.

Τεχνικές και Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Γνώσης στο Διαδίκτυο

Ο Παγκόσμιος Ιστός Πληροφοριών (Web) χαρακτηρίζεται σαν ένα περιβάλλον αχανές, ετερογενές, κατανεμημένο και πολύπλοκο με αποτέλεσμα να είναι δύσκολος ο αποδοτικός χειρισμός των δεδομένων των e-εφαρμογών με βάση παραδοσιακές μεθόδους και τεχνικές. Αυτό με τη σειρά του οδηγεί στην απαίτηση για σχεδιασμό, ανάπτυξη και υιοθέτηση «ευφυών» εργαλείων που θα επιλέξουν και θα εμφανίσουν στο χρήστη την κατάλληλη πληροφορία, στον κατάλληλο χρόνο και με την κατάλληλη μορφή.


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