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Striking a Balance: Effective Use of Facebook in an Academic Library

Abstract : As one of the fastest growing social networking sites, Facebook presents librarians with a prime opportunity to engage academic library patrons. A survey of 136 users at Western Michigan University (WMU) measured the effectiveness of Facebook as a marketing, reference, and instruction tool. It also measured user comfort and satisfaction with a library's presence on Facebook. The majority of respondents found Facebook to be a useful and engaging medium to learn about library resources and services.

Case Study of Synchronous Virtual Reference in an Academic Library

Abstract : Libraries endeavor to provide the same services to distance learners as they do on campus to students but they are challenged by not being able to show students how to maneuver in the virtual environment. Indiana State University used Adobe Connect software for three years to provide synchronous, virtual reference services that included screen-sharing capability to demonstrate search techniques. Assessments included analysis of attendance, types of questions, and student comments. Reminder e-mails sent directly to students positively affected attendance.

#gathercreateshare: How Research Libraries Use Pinterest

Abstract : This work investigates social curating activities on the website Pinterest and relates them to the librarian's traditional role of curating information. Pinterest is a social curation site that combines features of gathering, creating, and sharing with the information management characteristics of successful data curation. Libraries have begun to think about pushing services into social networking sites and adding social networking features to their own services.

Managing streaming video: A new role for technical services

Abstract : BMCC Library is using streaming video technology to extend the electronic reserves service to include audio and videos. We have found that a streaming video project can be managed by non-technical staff with results that empower staff and impress students and faculty with their ease of use. The role of technical services in the library has evolved considerably, a process driven in part by technology. Consistent with this trend, our technical services department was asked to manage an electronic reserves program a few years back.

Design and implementation of intelligent library system

Abstract : In this study, we combine swarm intelligence and Web Services to transform a conventional library system into an intelligent library system with high integrity, usability, correctness, and reliability software for readers. We select 300 readers to test this intelligent system and software, and compare it with a conventional library system. It is revealed that 64% of the readers are dissatisfied with the conventional library system, and 93% of the readers are satisfied with the intelligent library system when using personal digital assistants.

Assessing e-books: Taking a closer look at e-book statistics

Abstract : In 2008 the University of Idaho Library conducted an in-depth analysis of our three major electronic book providers. Using spreadsheet and database applications, bibliographic data from our ILS was combined with usage statistics obtained from each platform. This technique produced a master sheet that allowed us to do subject analysis by LC classification, discover e-books that were not cataloged in our OPAC, and identify e-books supplied by more than one provider. The usage statistics show relatively low use across both subject areas and platforms.

E-books or print books, “big deals” or local selections—What gets more use?

Abstract : This paper tracks the use of several hundred books at Oakland University that were made available both in print and electronically. This study attempts to determine if there are discernable differences in usage based on format. It also examines usage to determine if collections of books that were locally selected exhibit different usage than those purchased through a consortium. The author concludes that locally selected collections receive greater usage than consortially selected collections.

Interlibrary loan purchase-on-demand: A misleading literature

Abstract : Many libraries are engaging in interlibrary loan purchase-on-demand without fully acknowledging all of the costs of adding such titles to their collections. This study compares the costs of monograph interlibrary loans and the costs of monograph accession, including staffing overhead costs for both. In order to be truly cost-effective, interlibrary loan purchase-on-demand titles must have a minimum projected circulation, depending on the base price to purchase the item.

Basic, fuller, fullest: Treatment options for electronic theses and dissertations

Abstract : Given the thousands of theses and dissertations (TDs) that are produced each year, and their role in advancing their disciplines, it is well worth disseminating them as widely as possible. A great leap forward in increasing TD distribution has been the electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) movement. ETD information in catalogs provides valuable basic access, especially when bibliographic records are contributed to large databases.

Digital libraries: Comparison of 10 software

Abstract : This article is an English abstract (and not an extract), it is a synthesis of a study published, in French, in a book about software for building digital libraries: Andro, M., Asselin, E., Maisonneuve, M. (2012). Bibliothèques numériques: logiciels et plateformes. Paris: ADBS.


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