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Benchmarking and Restructuring

Abstract : This paper discusses how the technique of benchmarking—comparing local practices with best practices—can make a restructuring program easier, more credible, and more effective. During the 1990s, librarians have shown increasing interest in mechanisms of organizational change such as benchmarking because higher education, as a whole, must either restructure to meet new challenges or stagnate. This chapter blends an account of benchmarking initiatives at Penn State Libraries with broader assessments of this approach to restructuring academic libraries. The discussion proceeds in twelve sections: rationale for benchmarking, selection of a benchmarking team, determination of appropriate and meaningful measures, planning the strategic process, justification of the planning process with university administrators, discernment of best comparators, collection of data, development of questions as a brainstorming activity, preparation for the trip, report of results, redesign of the local process, and conclusions