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Linking the benchmarking tool to a knowledge-based system for performance improvement

Abstract : In this work, a knowledge-based system for the benchmarking of public university libraries was developed in order to provide more useful information for decision-making and process benchmarking. This knowledge-based system converts numerical data into information that can be used to evaluate relative efficiency of public university libraries in Taiwan. We propose an integrated framework for the benchmarking wheel and knowledge-based system, including a database management subsystem, model base subsystem, knowledge acquisition subsystem, and dialogue subsystem.

Benchmarking library and application software with Data Envelopment Analysis

Abstract : Library software is generally believed to be well-structured and follows certain design guidelines due to the need of continuous evolution and stability of the respective APIs. We perform an empirical study to investigate whether the design of open-source library software is actually superior to that of application software. By analyzing certain design principles and heuristics that are considered important for API design, we extract a set of software metrics that are expected to reflect the improved nature of libraries.

University library benchmarking: An international comparison using DEA

Abstract : This paper proposes a framework for assessing the technical efficiency of 118 university libraries from Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, Switzerland and the United States. The flexible non-parametric approach of data envelopment analysis has been chosen to analyse the performance differentials of university libraries. We also investigate whether the institutional settings affect the degree of library efficiency. The findings of the intercountry efficiency comparison revealed that almost one-third of the university libraries are technically efficient.

Benchmarking: a manual for Australian universities

Abstract: The objective was to identify the most important aspects of contemporary university life and to find ways of benchmarking them. The assumption is that excellence and adding value are goals that are sought by all universities. It assumes also that those aspects of excellence and value adding that can be easily quantified are not the only ones worth taking into account. There are sixty-seven benchmarks included in this manual. Chapter 12 addresses the difficulties and possibilites of using a smaller core sub-set.

Benchmarking academic libraries: an Australian case study

Abstract : Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Library, using a process improvement concept of benchmarking, compared its acquisitions and cataloguing, document delivery and research support services with those of the University of New South Wales Library. The paper discusses experience and outcomes from the point of view of the benchmarking proposer and the partner. The results were a catalyst for change in some areas at QUT.

Academic library benchmarking in The Netherlands: a comparative study


– This paper aims to describe some of the unique features of the Dutch academic library benchmarking system.


– The Dutch system is compared with similar projects in the USA, the UK and Germany.


Benchmarking user satisfaction in academic libraries - a case study

Abstract : Customer satisfaction and service quality have so far been evaluated mostly from a local perspective although the quality element has been firmly established in academic library management for at least a decade. Critics of inter-institutional comparisons often object that different preconditions are not considered adequately.

Benchmarking and Restructuring

Abstract : This paper discusses how the technique of benchmarking—comparing local practices with best practices—can make a restructuring program easier, more credible, and more effective. During the 1990s, librarians have shown increasing interest in mechanisms of organizational change such as benchmarking because higher education, as a whole, must either restructure to meet new challenges or stagnate. This chapter blends an account of benchmarking initiatives at Penn State Libraries with broader assessments of this approach to restructuring academic libraries.

Benchmarking: An International Journal

Το περιοδικό «Benchmarking: An International Journal» αφορά σε θέματα Συγκριτικής Αξιολόγησης τόσο στον ιδιωτικό όσο και στο δημόσιο τομέα. Μεταξύ άλλων υπάρχουν άρθρα για την εφαρμογή της συγκριτικής αξιολόγησης σε Βιβλιοθήκες


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