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Racial Privilege in the Professoriate: An Exploration of Campus Climate, Retention, and Satisfaction

Despite antidiscrimination legislation and affirmative action, faculty of color1 remain significantly underrepresented in higher education. When present, they often occupy less prestigious positions and have less than optimal conditions for service in terms of workload and pay (Allen, Epps, Guillory, Suh, & Bonous-Hammarth, 2000; Allen et al., 2002; Astin, Antonio, Cress, & Astin, 1997; Blackwell, 1981; Villalpando & Delgado Bernal, 2002). Nationally, faculty of color, including Black/African Americans (6%), Latina/os (4%), Asian Americans (6%), and American Indians (0.5%), make up only 16% of the full-time professoriate (NCES, 2008). Furthermore, only 5.3% of the full professors in the United States are African American, Hispanic, or Native American (Ryu, 2008). While the numbers of undergraduate and graduate students of color on college campuses have risen over the years, the growth in the numbers of faculty of color has lagged far behind (Antonio, 2003; Villalpando & Delgado Bernal, 2002). This is unfortunate, as research indicates the presence of faculty of color is strongly tied to successful recruitment and retention for both students and junior faculty of color (Blackwell, 1981; Cheatham & Phelps, 1995; Reyes & Halcón, 1991). Increasing faculty of color in the academy would provide mentors, role models, and a sense of connection that students of color and junior faculty of color often lack on predominantly White campuses. Another compelling reason for securing greater faculty diversity lies in the potential that faculty of color bring toward institutional and societal transformation.