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Οργανισμός Πνευματικής Ιδιοκτησίας

Η σελίδα του Οργανισμού Πνευματικής Ιδιοκτησίας για την Πνευματική Ιδιοκτησία

E-books and Their Future in Academic Libraries

Abstract : The University of California's California Digital Library (CDL) formed an Ebook Task Force in August 2000 to evaluate academic libraries' experiences with electronic books (e-books), investigate the e-book market, and develop operating guidelines, principles and potential strategies for further exploration of the use of e-books at the University of California (UC).

Blogmania - Blog Use in Academic Libraries

ABSTRACT : Web logs (blogs) and other Web 2.0 tools are becoming more popular as a means for academic libraries to communicate with their students. This article explores the medium and its use in marketing academic library services. The article also reports on a study of academic librarians currently using blogs. Librarians respond to questions about intended audience, statistics and other issues concerning marketing of blogs.

The Problems and Potential of MySpace and Facebook Usage in Academic Libraries

ABSTRACT : How are college students using and communicating with online social networking? How can these technologies be utilized by libraries and librarians? A review of the literature provides current context of social networking sites, the usage and viability of related technologies in academic libraries, and the role of computer-mediated communication (CMC) in facilitating student learning. Data from a survey and focus group provide insight into how students are using MySpace and Facebook, two widely adopted social networking sites.

Developing Skype-Based Reference Services

ABSTRACT : Internet voice and video calling have demonstrated a dramatic rise in quality in the past several years and have quickly become communication technologies with a disruptive impact on society. Librarians, who regularly adopt such technologies in outreach and public services, should evaluate Web-calling programs as potential sources of innovative reference programming. This article describes the development of Skype video and Internet telephony pilot reference services at the Ohio University Libraries and considers the utility of Skype and VoIP in a library setting.

Enhancing Virtual Reference: Techniques and Technologies to Engage Users and Enrich Interaction

Abstract : Virtual reference service has become ubiquitous in academic libraries. The increased adoption of chat technology brings to light some of the challenges of providing high-quality reference service. The lack of a personal connection, increased transaction time, and technical problems are often cited. Techniques, such as conducting a reference interview or using online communication conventions, can make virtual reference as effective as face-to-face reference.

Library eBooks: Some Can't Find Them, Others Find Them and Don't Know What They Are

Abstract : When discussing eBooks, people generally fall into two camps: they either don't know what eBooks are or know what they are but cannot find them at their local library. Libraries are beginning to successfully address the gap between patron awareness of electronic books in general and a library's holdings and circulation options. EBooks are a relatively new format, and many rights and business model issues between authors, publishers and distributors remain unresolved. EBook readers to a large degree receive more media attention than eBooks themselves.

The Web Beyond Google: Innovative Search Tools and Their Implications for Reference Services

Abstract : This article explores Internet search tools that harness emerging technologies and user-centric features such as Web 2.0 sites, mobile applications, metasearching, real-time information, peer-to-peer searches, visual interfaces, and computational abilities. Reference librarians everywhere have incorporated Google into their searching repertoires, but what about other search engines that feature “bleeding edge” technologies and human-friendly designs?

Striking a Balance: Effective Use of Facebook in an Academic Library

Abstract : As one of the fastest growing social networking sites, Facebook presents librarians with a prime opportunity to engage academic library patrons. A survey of 136 users at Western Michigan University (WMU) measured the effectiveness of Facebook as a marketing, reference, and instruction tool. It also measured user comfort and satisfaction with a library's presence on Facebook. The majority of respondents found Facebook to be a useful and engaging medium to learn about library resources and services.

Case Study of Synchronous Virtual Reference in an Academic Library

Abstract : Libraries endeavor to provide the same services to distance learners as they do on campus to students but they are challenged by not being able to show students how to maneuver in the virtual environment. Indiana State University used Adobe Connect software for three years to provide synchronous, virtual reference services that included screen-sharing capability to demonstrate search techniques. Assessments included analysis of attendance, types of questions, and student comments. Reminder e-mails sent directly to students positively affected attendance.


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